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Posts tagged “urban gardening

How to Grow a lot of Food in a Small Garden – 9 EZ tips and more

This might be a good time to start growing your own food 🍓🌞

Six Ways to Build a Better Urban Garden


From corporate campuses to thousands of schoolyards and backyards across the country, from hospital grounds to the White House lawn, interest in edible gardens has exploded over the last decade. For good reason. Growing our own food, when done by many people, is part of the solution to some of society’s most pernicious problems-food safety, diet-related illness epidemics, food waste, food insecurity, disaster response, environmental degradation and even climate change itself.

But are the gardens that are sprouting up throughout our cities and counties built to last?

Many garden programs throughout the country suffer from one or all of the following challenges: insufficient and poorly handled funding resources, ego-driven politics, lack of authentic gardening and farming knowledge, dreamy idealism, and dysfunctional management.

Our research at Grow Your Lunch shows that a garden program can be built and sustained with a relatively modest investment. What these programs need is consistent management combined with expert mentorship.

There’s no doubt that the intentions of gardening programs are good at their core. Through gardening, cooking and eating together, communities are unified across social, generational, political and economic differences. In remembering our food traditions, we preserve not only the genetic diversity of our food crops and farm animals, but also the cultural diversity which weaves together the fabric of our heritage as Americans.

Read the Full Article


Grow a Vertical Vegetable Garden in a Small Space with Hog Wire


Vertical farming is cultivating plant or animal life within a skyscraper greenhouse or on vertically inclined surfaces. The modern idea of vertical farming uses techniques similar to glass houses, where natural sunlight can be augmented with artificial lighting.






Vertical Gardening

Up, up, and away! Squeeze more vegetables into small spaces with trellises.

@ Organic Gardening Here


How to Grow Vegetables Vertically @ Wikihow

Vertical Gardening Techniques for Maximum Returns @ Auntie Dogma’s



Growing Cities Trailer ~ a Film about Urban Gardening in America



In their search for answers, filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette take a road trip and meet the men and women who are challenging the way this country grows and distributes its food, one vacant city lot, rooftop garden, and backyard chicken coop at a time.

Join them as they discover that good food isn’t the only crop these urban visionaries are harvesting. They’re producing stronger and more vibrant communities, too.

The film is being released in Fall 2013 at film festivals and special event screenings. You’re invited to follow, participate in, and support the Growing Cities journey to an America that believes in a more sustainable, just, and healthy future for all.

The Film Here 

