kick your shoes off and come on in …

kick your shoes off and come on in ;) ......


Starting a Garden ~ Dogma Garden Spot

Starting a Garden ~ Dogma Garden Spot


Vegetable gardening is an empowering activity for people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you have a few containers, a community garden plot, or a large “country” garden, you can supply your family and friends with nutritious vegetables for 6 to 9 months of the year.  Vegetable gardening is terrific exercise and can help reduce household food expenses, plus the added bonus of knowing what you are eating ;)

Planning and preparation are essential to a good gardening experience.  A vegetable garden is not created in a day.  Before you run out to the garden center and buy plants, think about these 5 basic steps:

We’re going to help you with some gardening planning and tips for all locations and garden sizes … enjoy and feel free to contribute !

You Must Sow These in October

I do not know why WordPress is blocking YouTube when you try to get there from any of my WordPress sites. I apologize for the inconvenience. I am starting a new garden spot on Substack due to this and many other issues with WordPress of late. This site will stay because I have years invested in it.