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Posts tagged “august garden 2013

Sticky Kitty ~ and friend

stickykittylol1Have no idea what this plant is? This came from a seed packet purchased at hardware store this spring.  The packet was marked garden thyme, have since lost packet for detail but it was supposedly basic garden thyme.  i have never seen thyme like this, and have tried to identify plant with no luck yet.  i am not convinced this is thyme? anyway, downside no idea what this plant is.  upside, cats hate it as you can see why, hence the name “sticky kitty” lol.  sticky kitty plant’s friend is spider i was attempting a macro of, this is as good as i managed. second plus in pro column,  the bumblebees love this plant as well


anyone know what this is? is it thyme ? hope it comes back next year has worked wonders on cat deterrent.  this with sea holly should do it.
