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May Birth Flower ~ Lily of the Valley


Lily of the Valley is Sweetness and Humility

Lily of the Valley

The History and traditions surrounding the May Birth Flower, the Lily of the Valley is fascinating. There are many myths and legends about the origins of this tradition. It is believed that birthday celebrations originated in the Roman Empire and the origins of birth month flowers, such as the Lily of the Valley,  could be said to date back to these times.

The language of flowers developed during the highly conservative period of the Victorian era. The Victorians were strongly restricted by the rules of etiquette when it was considered totally inappropriate to express feelings of love or affection. The “Language of Flowers” therefore evolved when a message was assigned to specific flower such as the Lily of the Valley. A lover could then send flowers which conveyed a hidden romantic meaning.

The hidden message of the Birth Flower, the Lily of the Valley, so favored during the Victorian era is “You’ve Made My Life Complete”.

Birth Month Flowers – Flowers, such as the Lily of the Valley, are always given to celebrate the birth of a new baby and included in wedding flowers or a wedding bouquet.   Lily of the Valley is often used in May Day and Cinco de Mayo celebrations.


Lily of the Valley Plant Care Guide ~ click here

The Sweet Smell of Spring, Whenever You Yearn for It


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