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Posts tagged “Magnoliopsida

Jasminum mesnyi – Japanese Jasmine


Jasminum mesnyi (Japanese jasmine Primrose jasmine)

is a frost hardy perennial semi-evergreen vine with yellow flowers in early Spring, early Summer, late Spring and mid Spring. It grows well in semi-shade and direct sun, and prefers medium levels of water. The flowers are trumpet shaped.

It looks best in Spring and Summer.


Jasminum mesnyi grows in soils ranging from a pH of 5 (extremely acidic ranges from 0 to 5.1) to 9 (very alkaline ranges from 8.6 to 9). It is adapted to chalk, clay, loam and sand soils, and prefers medium fertility.


This is a plant has an ultimate height of 2.4m / 8ft and spread of 4.6m / 15ft.


It has green leaves. They are llanceolate in shape.


A strong pleasant scent is emitted from the flower.


Arbor or trellis, city courtyard garden, cottage informal garden, flowering shrub, small garden/space, specimen/accent plant, bank and slope, attracting adult butterflies and fragrance.


Propagation techniques include cuttings and ground layer.


China (Southwestern).